Anyway, lets get to it.
I have recently continued working on my N7 army, however, I am not too happy with the outcome of my Terminators. I am ok with the freehand on the shoulders (although one of them is incredibly sloppy), I am ok with the shading, and the highlight (but I need more practice. What I am unhappy with, and has really dropped my morale, is the outcome of their helmets. I don't know if it is just really hard, or if I just suck at it, but I can not do white helmets to save my life. I tried on all 4 terminators with helmets, and I failed miserably on all 4 with no indication of improvement on any of them. I guess it's just a question of practice, so I will continue to practice because I want to eventually make commissions my side job. I don't want to make it my full time job, but I would love to make this a side gig to earn some "beer money" as they call it.
Remember the guy on the right? Well the helmets never improved |
Above is an older image of the terminators I was working on. Obviously I still need to work on my basing, and highlighting skills. With practice I was able to get relatively good with the highlighting, however, I have not managed to nail down the while helmets, thus I have given up on their helmets as of now and decided that it is best to just finish up the project, move on to the next guys, and try again with another set of terminators later on.
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Struggling with the helmets, but will continue to practice in order to get better at it. For now they will remain as is. |
See the picture above to see what I mean about the poor work on the helmets.
Enough on the terminators though. Let's take a look at some of the stuff I am working on to complete the N7 Army.
I am still working on my scouts. When the scouts are finished that will bring my army to 20 scouts, however, I have only finished painting 3 of them.
I am planning on getting rid of the the rocket launchers in the scouts, and instead substituting them with anti-material rifles from Anvil Industry, figure it makes more sense wit ha scout squad, and I can just make it serve the same purpose. Really the anti-material rifle is really only there for aesthetic, and when ever it is that I play a game, I will simply make sure to inform my opponent that the AM rifle counts as a rocket launcher, and so we will play by the rocket launcher rules.
I have also swapped out the original Scout heads for some Anvil Industry heads, because let's be honest, the original scout heads look pretty stupid.
Here is the one unpainted tactical squad. I need to get them with a shot of the chaos black paint before I start painting them though. I regret assembling them before painting though because now I have to deal with trying to paint all the detail. I will continue the N7 Dark Reaper color scheme on the tactical marines, just like I did with the scouts, and with the terminators. However, I may alter the scheme a little bit to add some flare, however I am not sure what it is that I want to do just yet.
To lead these guys I have been working on a leader. The boss man of the N7 army is this glorious bastard.
He is still a work in progress, as I try to acquire new bits, but he is going to be Chapter Master Shepard of the N7 army. He is about as tall as a primaris marines because of the bionic legs, but he is a regular ol' Space Marine. At the same time though, I was considering making him a Sgt for my custom assault squad, not 100% sure though. Leave a comment with your suggestions! and don't forget to follow us on
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